The KOINNO toolbox, which was developed in cooperation with the University of the Federal Armed Forces in Munich, offers concrete assistance in designing procurement activities and one's own procurement organization in an innovative manner.
With the toolbox, we present over 100 innovation-promoting instruments and methods that are intended to support procurers in their everyday work. Each tool has been evaluated and clustered according to the complexity of its implementation and its impact on innovative public procurement. The users of the toolbox also learn in which phase of the procurement process the instruments can be used or whether a cross-phase application makes sense.
However, not only employees and managers of procurement organizations will find helpful input in the toolbox. Tools and methods that are relevant for the supplier side or political decision-makers are also presented.
Over 100 instruments to promote innovation
First of all, the users complete a short questionnaire in order to finally receive recommendations for the tools that are relevant to them and that can provide support in the current procurement situation. For each tool, so-called tool profiles were developed. These contain beside the description of the methods and/or instrument much resuming information. This includes, for example, checklists, guidelines, empirical data, templates or literature references.
We regularly check the toolbox for up-to-dateness and continuously add new tools.
Inform yourself in our fact sheet about the toolbox and what we are aiming for with the development. Unfortunately this fact sheet is only available in German.