Empowering Patients by Professional Stress Avoidance and Recovery Services

To avoid unnecessary stress before and after medical interventions, physicians are working together with IT experts on a digital application that empowers patients to assume an active role.

STARS targets the development of ICT solutions for hospitals that can be used for patient care before and after medical interventions. These will also facilitate, for example, a monitoring of stress levels. State-of-the-art technology deployed in this context will contribute to reducing stress and to faster recovery.

In the framework of a “Pre-Commercial Procurement” (PCP) project, five leading European hospitals issued a call for tender for the development of solutions as yet unavailable on the market. The basis for the call was extensive market research.

Studies corroborate that the stress experienced by patients before and after an operation has a negative impact on their recuperation. The result is a greater need for drugs and a longer recovery time. Reducing stress would counteract this and at the same time relieve the burden on nursing staff or caregivers.

The goal is to provide patients with a digital application that empowers them to assume an active role during their entire treatment. With the help of innovative solutions, patients could then, for example, communicate with the attending physician, nursing staff and caregivers or their family and friends before and after their hospital stay. The adjustment of ambient surroundings to patient requirements (e.g. lighting and background noise) during hospitalisation could be a further topic.

The project was launched at the beginning of 2017 and is currently in Phase II.

Phase I: In July 2019, six bidders were awarded contracts for the development of design concepts and presented their results four months later.

Phase II: To transform these design concepts into functional models/prototypes, in February 2020 the four bidders with the most promising ideas were invited to continue with the work. They are expected to present their solutions in October 2020.

Phase III: The intention is to award contracts to at least two bidders with the most promising solutions at the start of 2021 for the development of prototypes/pre-commercial products.

The pre-commercial products should be available, tested and assessed by October 2021. The results will be taken into account in the procurement of innovative applications that offer patients comprehensive care and make their hospital stay more pleasant.

Participation Opportunities
Procurement could then be subsidised in the framework of a follow-up EU project via the instrument “Public Procurement of Innovative Solutions” (PPI).

Stakeholders in the health sector interested in purchasing the solution once it has been developed can already register their interest in the new product with the project coordinator.

Project duration01.01.2017 to 31.12.2021
Budget€ 4,657,000 (EU funding = € 4,191,300), of which € 3.26 million (including VAT) go to industry for the development of the innovative solution.
Partners11 partners, including 5 hospitals
CoordinatorMaastricht University (NL)    

Jos Koekkoek (info@stars-pcp.eu)

Further information can be found on the project website as well as on CORDIS,  the European Commission's primary source of projects funded by the EU.


Contact KOINNO/ EU Contact Point for Public Procurement of Innovation

Juan Carmona-Schneider
EU Contact Point Project Manager
Email: jc@zenit.de
Tel: ++49 / 208/ 30004 54